Poster of Take Shelter

Take Shelter

Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi

Director: Jeff Nichols

Release Date: November 10, 2011

Where to Watch

Take Shelter works on numerous levels depending on what you want to take away from the film. It is a story about struggling with mental illness in a community & in your family–what makes a relationship real or superficial. It is about how to manage a coming storm without being plagued by worries & letting it destroy you. What I like: what if you got a prophecy & didn’t know how to interpret it. Just because you may hear from God may not mean you’ll know how to handle it. I imagined what it was like for old Biblical prophets & their families, but set in modern America. And who doesn’t love a good apocalypse. Ultimately a film for our times–even without all the aforementioned elements, one could view it as a film where every dollar, emergency & event could lead to the financial destruction of a family.

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