Poster of Tabloid


Documentary, Crime

Director: Errol Morris

Release Date: November 11, 2011

Where to Watch

Thank God for witnesses! Because if it wasn’t for one simple word, chloroform, you would think that McKinney was a bit nutty, but not a stalker & rapist, which she is in my opinion. Tabloid was a fun, quirky Rashomon kind of documentary, but I kept thinking about the young man who suffered by her hands–probably derided as much within his religious community as much as he was by the press at the idea that a man can be raped by a woman. With that said, McKinney is clearly barking mad–even if you love some dude who falsely accuses you of rape, the minute you step in jail, your love would slowly turn to rage & you wouldn’t STILL be professing your love for him. Or stalk him at his job almost a decade later. Poor guy never got justice & she never got punished. If the situation was reversed (think Elizabeth Smart), I think this film wouldn’t be as enjoyable or couldn’t have such a light & breezy tone. The audience is incidentally complicit in the crime!

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