

Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi

Director: N/A

Release Date: October 6, 2015

Where to Watch

Reagan Gomez is well known as a film and voice actress on sitcoms such as The Parent ‘Hood (not to be confused with NBC’s Parenthood) and The Cleveland Show. In spite of being a child star and a show biz veteran, she is happily married with children. I used to live a Reagan Gomez free life until podcasts such as This Week in Blackness and The Black Guy Who Tips interviewed her.
When The Black Guy Who Tips began promoting Gomez’s various web series, including Surviving, I made a mental note to check it out when The Walking Dead went on winter break. Surviving is an eight episode YouTube series about two sisters who have to survive the zombie apocalypse and discover the truth about their family history. The zombie apocalypse is simply the backdrop to the family drama reminiscent of Alias and Scandal except psychologically healthier.
Surviving lived up to the podcast hype. I was pleasantly surprised by the character development as it approached the final episodes and got my chicks kicking butt vitamins. Surviving isn’t entirely flawless-the little sister can be annoying, but that is probably realistic, and when the big reveal happens and you find out the real threat, it is a tad bit tropey, but I’ll allow it because it was done well. I’m looking forward to a second season.

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