Poster of My Son

My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done

Drama, Thriller

Director: Werner Herzog

Release Date: July 8, 2010

Where to Watch

Herzog loves examining the descent into madness in his films, and sometimes it can be entertaining for the viewer, but this time, it is frustrating because the inaction of those around the main character is frustrating. Unfortunately it is also realistic–no one acts until it is too late & even the cops are mere players in his mad world. A few random points: (1) apparently if you want a guy who hears voices & is seemingly going crazy, you go to Michael Shannon, but I preferred him in Take Shelter where he was less obviously crazy; (2) if David Lynch is in some way involved, there will be an inexplicable small person that has no role other than to be there (I kind of hate David Lynch); and (3) My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done was very loosely based on an actor from the 70s in California who stabbed his mom with a sword, but unfortunately it appears to be a thing ( Only in a Herzog film can Udo Kier play the voice of reasoned observer!

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