Poster of Short Term 12

Short Term 12


Director: Destin Daniel Cretton

Release Date: August 23, 2013

Where to Watch

Short Term 12 is the name of a residential facility for teenagers where the supervisor, played by Brie Larson, works. Short Term 12 is a film about a few pivotal days in her life that will either plunge her back into a destructive cycle that she has not faced since she was young or escape the dangerous gravitational pull of her past. Short Term 12 almost feels like a documentary and never descends into Afterschool Special territory because Destin Daniel Cretton, the director and writer, worked in such a facility, and the acting performances are perfect. I would issue a trigger warning for survivors of physical and sexual abuse, which is discussed in Short Term 12.
I have no idea how Short Term 12 ended up in my queue, but I am so glad that it did. Short Term 12 captures many things perfectly. First, Short Term 12 effectively depicts how people are drawn to jobs that simultaneously help them deal with and trigger past trauma. Second, Short Term 12 elegantly shows different ways of comforting another person and making a connection tailored to each individual’s personality and experience. Third, Short Term 12 reveals that the role of comforter and the one in need of comforting constantly shifts: counselor to counselor, counselor to teen, teen to counselor, teen to teen. Fourth, Short Term 12 emphasizes that destructive behavior is another form of communication, not an indication of a deeper pathology or personality flaw. Fifth, Short Term 12 always shows that while destructive behavior is a form of communication, one consequence could be a permanent conversation ender so the need for dialogue, whether verbal or nonverbal through action, is essential and life saving. Sixth, Short Term 12 reveals the importance of art in healing and a form of communication for the wounded.
Short Term 12 is an incredibly nuanced and delicately told story. The viewer does not know everything about the characters through some clunky exposition delivered by one character, but learns about them organically as the action unfolds either through the performance or dialogue. While Larson’s character is the main focus of Short Term 12, the supporting cast is also given time to shine. Lakeith Stanfield, who is gaining momentum from his appearances in Get Out, Selma, The Purge: Anarchy, Straight Outta Compton, made his debut performance in Short Term 12 as a resident. John Gallagher Jr. plays a coworker and boyfriend, but may be familiar to you as the third person in 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Short Term 12 is a phenomenal, must see film. If Brie Larson gave the same quality performance in Room that she delivered in Short Term 12, I can see why she trounced Charlotte Rampling at the 2015 Oscars even though Rampling is a more fearless actor. Good for you, Larson! I see you!

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