Poster of The Road to Guantanamo

The Road to Guantanamo

Drama, War

Director: Mat Whitecross, Michael Winterbottom

Release Date: March 9, 2006

Where to Watch

The Road to Guantanamo fails as a docudrama–the transition between the real life protagonists’ narration & the recreation is too jarring & makes the story more confusing. Like its torture porn counterparts, it only gains clarity in the face of its captors’ cruelty without focusing on the humanity & the stories of the captured. If I had known more about the men before their ill-timed trip, then getting caught in the gears of war would have a more shocking effect, but it remains an abstract concept of what is unreasonable rather than a visceral outraged response, which I think was supposed to be the desired effect. A remake is needed!

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