The Red Shoes

Where to Watch

Like the final installment in LORs, The Red Shoes never ends! Honestly, I didn’t get it or I got parts, but not the whole. It could be because I was tired when I watched it or some of the plot was lost in translation. I’m not rewatching it because supernatural reasons or not, the kid was so annoying that I was actually hoping that the shoes would get her. The mom was so sad sack, put upon from soup to nuts whenever she was interacting with someone who wasn’t her kid & then so completely abusive to her kid that it stopped being entertainment at some point. Also I did not appreciate the fat, career minded single best friend horror movie trope. Nice to know that is universal. Healthy nod to its Hollywood predecessor with a dash of ballet explanation subplot.
According to the imdb boards, there is a reincarnation theme, which I totally misread (or did I?) as a split personality plot.

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