Poster of Red Lights

Red Lights

Drama, Fantasy, Mystery

Director: Rodrigo Cortés

Release Date: March 2, 2012

Where to Watch

Great cast. Stupid movie. Previews were misleading & better than the movie. Lots of grandiose speeches by two sides-Red Lights seems to think that people are just breathlessly waiting for scientific releases on paranormal phenomenon. Stupid music cues to try to make audience jump. Lots of scene chewing & generally self conscious moments of distraction within the script to mirror what the charlatans were doing (look here so I can do something else here) just irritated instead of amazing me. A wannabe M. Night Shylaman twist that is tiresome & doesn’t leave audience going, “Ohhhhh.” I did think, “Seriously then why would anyone do all that stuff.” I actually saw the twist coming & thought it was stupid, sensational & not well thought out. Skip it & see Unbreakable. Stop casting Robert DeNiro in movies where he is supposed to play someone other than himself.

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