Poster of What Rats Won't Do

What Rats Won’t Do

Comedy, Romance

Director: Alastair Reid

Release Date: July 1, 1998

Where to Watch

What Rats Won’t Do is a typical romantic comedy except it has a stellar cast. What Rats Won’t Do is about two lawyers who become attracted to each other after repeated chance encounters except she is an engaged, straitlaced earnest lawyer, and he is a womanizer, rule breaker. What Rats Won’t Do ended up in my queue because Parker Posey is in it, whom I love. The rest of the cast is British. Natascha McElhone is best known for her appearances in American movies such as The Truman Show and Solaris so many viewers may not realize that she is British. James Frain usually plays murderous villains so it was weird to see him as a love interest. Charles Dance, who is best known as the Lannister patriarch, plays an important role. Peter Capaldi, the current Dr. Who, appears briefly. I would recommend What Rats Won’t Do to Ally McBeal lovers or fans of the cast, otherwise it is utterly forgettable, but enjoyable film and not required viewing. I will give them credit for the twist regarding Parker Posey’s brash gold digger.

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