Poster of Promised Land

Promised Land


Director: Gus Van Sant

Release Date: January 4, 2013

Where to Watch

Promised Land features Matt Damon vs. John Krasinski in an epic folksy battle to find out who is the more affable, humble American. It sparked the opposite effect in me: corporations already make movies. If corporations with bad reputations want people to like them, perhaps they should take the Viola Davis route & have a popular actor personify them in a movie. In this movie, that is basically what Matt Damon and Frances McDormand, who is one of the most likable actors, do for the majority of the film, but because it was written by Damon and Krasinski, there is another shoe at the eleventh hour, and it will drop. Leave early, and you may welcome fracking too. Hal Holbrook makes an appearance to check off the box for movie tropes of older wise man sets a young whippersnapper straight. Only casting misstep: Titus Welliver-great actor, but he is not a small town, decent average man. Some frisson when the townspeople show some hostility to Matt, but unfortunately filler that is suddenly dropped. Promised Land is another Lifetime for men movie or a CBS Hallmark movie about getting away from the almighty dollar and dealing with early trauma in favor of good old-fashioned values with a thin patina of environmentalism to add credibility.

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