Poster of Nebraska



Director: Alexander Payne

Release Date: January 24, 2014

Where to Watch

So you may not want to see Nebraska for several reasons. First, isn’t it a little pretentious to film in black and white? Second, seriously Will Forte is one of the stars? Third, is this just a case of low hanging fruit made by Hollywood elites making fun of gullible flyover states? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding no.
Nebraska is about an elderly man, played by Bruce Dern, on a mission to collect his winnings from a mass mail order sweepstakes office except the office is several states away, and he doesn’t drive. Nebraska plays it straight and represents it as an epic last hurrah for him and incredibly inconvenient and annoying for those around him who know better. It does not turn into one of those cheeky British films with elderly people knowingly behaving like impish rascals. He is taciturn, ailing but spry enough to wander off and grab a beer. One of his two sons, played by Will Forte, decides to humor him, and they embark on a road trip that turns into a walk down memory lane.
Nebraska effectively evokes the majesty of America’s vast open spaces and how it is diminished by modern life. Nebraska treats its characters as vast books barely read, but still holding interesting stories about parents as people, American history and a lost way of life closer to the pioneering spirit. Nebraska is distinguished by showing the tenderness and aggravation inherent in taking care of an elderly parent, but deserves special kudos for showing that a son can do it! Nebraska earns each emotional touchstone. When it is profane, it does so without winking and feels real. Embarrassment is felt keenly. Heart-warming moments are not sickly sweet. The story is equal parts realistic and comedic.
There is no soundtrack. Special kudos goes to the casting director for using a legendary villainous character actor to increase the tension in the narrative. Don’t hesitate. Nebraska is a must see-minimal, but not stark.

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