Poster of Nacho Libre

Nacho Libre

Comedy, Family, Sport

Director: Jared Hess

Release Date: June 16, 2006

Where to Watch

Nacho Libre is about a monk who wants to be admired for doing something remarkable except he does not have any talent except for cooking and making friends. So he becomes a luchador, which is apparently a sin, and follows his dreams. I wanted Nacho Libre to be funny because of Jack Black, but I kept wondering if it was vaguely racist to Mexicans since a lot of the punchlines seem to be how everyone speaks accented English. I liked the vaguely funny moments such as the random appearance of a kitten at a match, the toast invitation and the absurd exile, but the lovable loser comedy fell flat and hard. I only recently found out that it may be based on a real life story so that means Nacho Libre really failed, and I demand a documentary. Unless you must see everything by Jack Black or the creator of Napoleon Dynamite, skip Nacho Libre.

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