Poster of Merchants of Doubt

Merchants of Doubt


Director: Robert Kenner

Release Date: December 12, 2014

Where to Watch

Merchants of Doubt is a preach to the choir documentary that shows how corporations use the same tactics as tobacco corporations used to discredit global warming. Merchants of Doubt actually interviews these discreditors, some of whom are very frank about their lack of credentials and monetary motivations. Merchants of Doubt shows how these discreditors pretend to be independent while they receive funding from corporations that benefit from global warming and how their talking points have become a part of every day people’s vernacular. Unfortunately the very people who need to see Merchants of Doubt will probably stay away from it and call it liberal propaganda. I do wish that Merchants of Doubt had asked the proud discreditors and their funders, who were not interviewed, what are you going to do when you are negatively affected by global warming, and it is too late to do anything? I think that they think they’ll be able to use their ill-gotten gains, but money can only buy you what is there.

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