Poster of Liz & Dick

Liz & Dick

Biography, Drama, Romance

Director: Lloyd Kramer

Release Date: November 25, 2012

Where to Watch

Grant Bowler deserves the Robert Patrick award for doing an amazing acting job when you know that no one is really paying attention to your performance, and the movie is going to be panned no matter what you do. Sure the hair does NOT work, but he really does a great job, and if I didn’t recognize him from Ugly Betty, I would not have guessed that he wasn’t from the UK. Looking like Liz Taylor and perhaps having a certain empathy for being plagued by the press or loving diamonds did not help Lindsay Lohan portray Liz Taylor at all. What happened to the girl from Freaky Friday or Mean Girls who seemed so promising? There is absolutely no transformation. It is unfortunate that the casting crew decided to cast Lohan because the supporting actors and their interactions are quite interesting. We’ll never know if Liz & Dick could have been good, but currently it is simply a curiosity quickly to be forgotten.

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