Poster of The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer

Crime, Drama, Mystery

Director: Brad Furman

Release Date: March 18, 2011

Where to Watch

Basically, like Arbitrage with Richard Gere, The Lincoln Lawyer is an epic Law & Order: Criminal Intent-like movie which basically shows the slick ultimate white man, this time played by Matthew McConaughey, who can move through any and all socioeconomic circles, briefly gets rattled & lands on his feet after juggling numerous challenges by playing them against each other. Pure entertainment & a good cast, but largely forgettable like a Grisham thriller with a dash of race guilt-in Arbitrage, it was the black guy who must be saved, but in this one, it is a Hispanic guy. In both movies, the hyper sexualized woman, in Arbitrage, a mistress, and in this movie, a hooker, doesn’t make out too well. Only two problems with this film: casting Ryan Phillippe makes the plot predictable & the main character got rattled too quickly once he discovered the truth.

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