Poster of Lila & Eve

Lila & Eve

Crime, Drama, Thriller

Director: Charles Stone III

Release Date: July 17, 2015

Where to Watch

If you want to watch Lila & Eve, you should be doing it for at least one of the two following reasons: you want to see moms avenge the death of their children and/or you like Viola Davis or the rest of the remarkable cast (Shea Whigham from Boardwalk Empire and Andre Royo from The Wire and Fringe). If you’re looking for something deeper, then shame on you. Don’t you know a revenge fantasy movie when you see it! Sure Lila & Eve’s plot twist is predictable. Of course all the villains are two-dimensional characters who practically say the same thing whenever confronted by unlikely people. Yes, the scenario is ridiculous, and MacGyver was a woman. Just go with it. If you were expecting something deeper or fresher, then you need to watch something else. There are some incidental clever moments on how women are unseen, and how that can be used to their advantage when they decide to embrace the ways of Charles Bronson, but that that is largely incidental to the heavy-handed MOTHER infused motivation of Lila & Eve’s plot. If you liked Eye for an Eye, then you’ll like Lila & Eve although Lila & Eve is the less violent, more meditative and unrealistic of the two.

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