Poster of Be Like Others

Be Like Others


Director: Tanaz Eshaghian

Release Date: January 19, 2008

Where to Watch

Be Like Others can be found in YouTube under the title Transsexual in Iran in 6 segments. Be Like Others is one of those devastating documentaries that makes you realize that you don’t need to consume fiction to find a dystopian world. Initially Be Like Others seems like a documentary that is showing the one way that Iran may be progressive: acceptance of transgender people. Unfortunately Be Like Others reveals that it is a way to eliminate homosexuality by the religious and state authorities, a way to find acceptance for the homosexual men who would prefer not to have the surgery, a way for men to sexually exploit trans women and a way for the medical experts to make money. Also in Iranian society, being a woman isn’t a walk in the park so there is an adjustment to the new restrictions imposed on them by the religious state. No one really wins in Be Like Others. Everyone desperately tries to find a place for everyone to fit into society, but ultimately fails because to fit in, the choice is physical or mental self-mutilation. Of course, there were probably people who had the surgery who were legitimately transgender, but Be Like Others cleverly asks the viewer to examine the nuance. The saddest story is the transwoman who changes so she can marry her boyfriend, but her boyfriend is clearly less interested than before for obvious reasons. Be Like Others should have compared and contrasted what the operation from man to woman looks like in other countries versus Iran so we could truly understand whether or not the doctor was compassionate or a charlatan. See Be Like Others before it gets even harder to locate. It was recently removed from Amazon Instant Video with no warning.

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