Poster of A Home at the End of the World

A Home at the End of the World

Drama, Romance

Director: Michael Mayer

Release Date: October 14, 2004

Where to Watch

I turned off the lights and just watched A Home at the End of the World! I don’t want to ruin A Home at the End of the World for anyone, but I thought it was so textured, moving, sweet, loving & tragic–a very unexpected love story during different eras & with different people. I would not recommend this movie for anyone who is sensitive to sexual situations. With that said, the situations were relevant to the plot & each one moved the story forward. Sissy Spacek even got to break a plate again (for those who saw In The Bedroom). Colin Farrell did an amazing job playing a peculiar & loving person who spans the breadth of each era & embraces each situation with wide-eyed innocence. Yes, Farrell plays an innocent!

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