Poster of Hollow


Horror, Mystery, Thriller

Director: Michael Axelgaard

Release Date: February 19, 2013

Where to Watch

Hollow is a British found footage drama that I loved for all the wrong reasons. It is supposed to be a horror movie about two couples who encounter a tree with an ancient and sinister past, but Hollow does not need the supernatural aspect to be riveting. Come to Hollow for the supernatural, stay for the relationship drama!


There are 4 people: an engaged couple, Emma and Scott, the bride-to-be’s best friend since childhood/ex-boyfriend, James, and Lynne, who is James’ new girlfriend, single mother and former classmate to the bride and her ex. I loved Lynne until they made her inexplicably stupid in the last 7 minutes. They go on a trip to Emma’s deceased grandfather/former clergyman’s former home, which happens to have no electricity, no cell signal and is next to a freaky tree. (So why do they stay there and how does the camera stay charged?)
Emma is awful. She acts like a proper lady, but she is just a classist snob to Lynne, wants the loutish, prosperous, hot guy & to string along James. Seriously it isn’t until all the guys are dead that she finally retrieves and uses her own inhaler. Did you just meet yourself?!? You have asthma. Stop being a helpless woman. Also she suddenly can fix the car after everyone dies. Great timing!
James is creepy. Even before we find out that he was a violent childhood bully (Emma, “He is sick”), we see that he is creeping around the house and filming Emma asleep next to her fiancee and basically tells his current girlfriend to get out of his camera shots.
Scott is awful too, but would probably be that guy who is a jerk that makes a great friend once he stopped with the drugs and drinking–just never let him talk to any woman that you care about. He is a just a step away from frat boy humor and naturally finds Lynne hot. He spends most of the weekend openly making sexual jokey advances in front of his fiancee. He brings drugs, gets into car accidents, but acts like he is the big man in control. He does get points for saying, “If you thought this place was genuinely evil then why would you bring us here.”
Lynne flirts back because she figures out that James still has the hots for Emma and was using her plus Scott is hot and prosperous so why not? So why do I still love her? Because when crap gets too weird-the tree influences people to do weird crap plus they took drugs so things got awkward, she wants a cab and wants to get home to her kid. Everyone just ignores her and the weirdness.
They are kind of awful to her. Emma taunts Lynne sarcastically, “Oh you want to call your kid. You want to get a cab.” First of all, if you had an iota of sense, you would want to leave too, but if your future husband’s side piece wants to leave, that is a GOOD thing for you since you still think that this marriage is going to happen! Even the crazy guy thinks that Emma is in denial.
When James disappears, Lynne is like, “Leave him and let’s go get help.” Leave it to wheezy Emma, who is the only one who always knew about the weird tree legend and her psycho friend before the trip even started, to run through the now dark grounds to look for James with their only source of light, the camera. My favorite Lynne moment is when it is clear that everyone is royally screwed and she says to Scott and Emma, “Look, from where I can see, you guys are pretty much over anyway.” She calls Emma out and finally tells her to go frack herself. YES!!! Lynne may be loose, but she tells the truth!

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