Poster of The Help

The Help


Director: Tate Taylor

Release Date: August 10, 2011

Where to Watch

The Help is Hollywood’s fantasy of how white people who lived in areas affected by Jim Crow would act if they just knew about the effect of their injustice. Though the acting was magnificent & it was a special treat to have a predominantly female cast, I could not suspend disbelief even on things as elemental as the aspiring author’s love interest, forget race relations. The idea that a book like that would even be placed in Southern bookstores seemed unlikely. Also didn’t appreciate how the very things that the stereotypical evil female employer feared about Black people–unsanitary & thieves, basically came true though the movie tries to justify the motivations. Call me when movies stop dealing with the magical effect that Negroes have on white protagonists & when you make a movie based on the book, At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance–A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power, which I haven’t read yet!

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