cover of Happy Death Day 2 U

Happy Death Day 2 U

Where to Watch

Happy Death Day 2 U is the sequel to Happy Death Day. Because I saw the original at home, and I am a completist, it was unlikely that I was going to see the sequel in the theaters, but I would see it. This movie isn’t John Wick people. I wasted my time, not my money. It reminded me of Paradox, one of Zoe Bell’s lesser works, which is not a good thing. (Disclaimer: I am apparently the only person in the world who has not seen the Back to the Future franchise so maybe this movie is perfect if you view it through that lens instead of in a vacuum on its own merits as I have.)
Happy Death Day 2 U felt as if someone saw Happy Death Day and felt uncomfortable with the protagonist getting so empowered by her predicament, kicking ass and taking names. I imagine a movie exec suggesting, “Um, could she kill fewer people in self-defense.” It basically took all the teeth from the original, subdued the horror slasher element in exchange for making a heist movie and introduced more sci fi elements because that is what I was missing in the original said no one ever. I actually love sci fi. Theoretically I love the idea of introducing more diverse characters, but franchises feel familiar, and this iteration distanced itself as far as possible from the original while retaining the same characters. At a certain point, just make a new movie with the same actors.
Happy Death Day 2 U felt like the entire point was for the protagonist to choose and get the guy, which was a benefit of the original, but not the whole ass point. It was only as the protagonist became a better person that she became capable of having real relationships of all kinds. This one felt like a step backwards in terms of the issues that she had to confront and resolve.
While I complained a little about the predictability of the villain in the original, I was not necessarily requesting a complete revision of that character’s psychological profile, Happy Death Day 2 U! It seems like a pretty dramatic shift from psycho killer to normal, friendly person. It seems like a big leap never explained. I am fine with getting a new villain, but because the protagonist’s reality is essentially the same, it does not make sense that the villain’s traits would be so dramatically different.
Also the new villain’s motivation makes no sense considering how that plot unfolds in Happy Death Day 2 U. Who are you hiding from if you end up just killing everyone? Then the point should just be that you enjoy killing people, not covering your tracks. If the filmmakers have a fatal flaw, it is not completely understanding that the average human being instinctually finds it repugnant to kill another human being even in self-defense. The protagonist’s willingness to use force makes sense because she is living a nightmare ground hog day, but for the actual killers who wake up with a to do list that starts with, “Kill people,” it needs to make sense on some level why that is number one on your speed dial. It should reveal itself in subtle ways, which is why I cannot cosign the retrofitting of the original villain or the new villain’s inspiration and plan.
I was mildly intrigued when I initially thought that Happy Death Day 2 U was going to approach the same day from another character’s perspective. Sure it lacks innate tension because as an audience, we know what to expect, but it could have been subversive to centralize a usually forgettable character in a slasher film. It was once original to have the cute blonde girl actually survive a slasher film, so there is merit to finding other theoretical ways to rejuvenate the genre. In spite of my approval, I actually was not as interested in the film when I incorrectly thought that the protagonist shifted. I do not understand why the film decided to start in that direction then not commit. Either cut it altogether or pursue it fully, but the actual mealy mouthed approach just sucked momentum out of an already disappointing film. With a better beginning and framework, maybe the movie could have worked…..nah.
Also the special effects in Happy Death Day 2 U are going downhill. I can see your blue screen. The problem with introducing sci fi elements is do you have sci fi money. If the answer is no, then maybe stick with the budget friendly slasher film genre. Knives, syrup and ketchup can be found in many kitchens. Stick to your strengths.
Jessica Rothe works in Happy Death Day 2 U like Michael Fassbender does in those Alien prequels. Can she get better work please? She is the heart of the franchise, and I would just like to see if she translates as superbly as she does in these films. I love Blumhouse Productions, but they need to stop embodying the film’s premise and stop with the sequels. It just is not working for me.
While theoretically I love the idea of blending sci fi and horror, Happy Death Day 2 U did not marry the two successfully. I wish that the sequel never existed; however if there is yet another sequel (please no), I will definitely watch it….at home.

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