A bunch of Americans, led by Johnny Cash, decide to go to Israel on pilgrimage and out of some mixture of sincerity, devotion and a desire to defray costs by using it as a tax deduction, decide to have Cash sing, talk & conduct a Passion play. June Carter Cash plays Mary Magdalene. The Gospel Road: A Story of Jesus is more like a music video. Say what you will about Mel Gibson, but he basically ruined it for anyone at any time, past, present or future, who is trying to make a film about Jesus using people who are obviously not from the Middle East and have American accents. Now you need Aramaic and Latin to make a Jesus film feel authentic. One Netflix reviewer wrote, “As I’ve suspected from my youth, Jesus was a Viking sent to the people of Judea to show them the ways of Odin. He walked on the icy waves.” Too dated to work.