Poster of Gerhard Richter - Painting

Gerhard Richter – Painting


Director: Corinna Belz

Release Date: March 14, 2012

Where to Watch

I don’t know a lot about Gerhard Richter, but on or about 2002, in NYC, the MOMA had an exhibit titled, “Gerhard Richter: Forty Years Of Painting,” which made an immediate and deep impression on me. In contrast, Gerhard Richter – Painting literally films Gerhard Richter painting during a specific time with occasional interviews with assistants and Richter’s art world colleagues with clips from past interviews in black and white. Gerhard Richter – Painting fails to visually convey the texture of his paintings so for me, it fails. Gerhard Richter – Painting is more concerned about documenting Richter’s process of painting instead of exploring why his paintings matter and what they mean to others. I wanted Gerhard Richter – Painting to closely examine the progression of his career and consciously place his paintings in an art history context. I did not mind that Richter set boundaries regarding his personal life though I would have loved a biographical approach. I wanted a PBS pedantic documentary, and instead I got a slice of creative work life. My mom didn’t GET Richter’s work so for me, Gerhard Richter – Painting failed, but maybe it would be more appealing to someone who does not like PBS’ approach and wants to be a fly in the office of a titan’s studio.

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