Poster of Freaks of Nature

Freaks of Nature

Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi

Director: Robbie Pickering

Release Date: October 30, 2015

Where to Watch

Freaks of Nature got my interest by promising vampires, zombies and aliens. There was even a bonus creature at the end, which I was not surprised by, but happy to see. Freaks of Nature is far from Shaun of the Dead, but does not let its audience down by using the 80s style psychological minefield of high school as a backdrop for supernatural sci-fi hijinks. Freaks of Nature is funny, but not consistently so. While the younger main cast works, Freaks of Nature criminally underutilizes its older comedic experts such as Joan Cusack, Keegan-Michael Key, Dennis Leary and Patton Oswalt. There is a magnificent vocal cameo. Overall Freaks of Nature is an affable comedic diversion that may not bust your gut, but will get you to chuckle in appreciation.

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