Poster of Drive


Action, Drama

Director: Nicolas Winding Refn

Release Date: September 16, 2011

Where to Watch

I watched Drive in two parts over two nights: the first, everything is calm albeit portentous seeds are sown & the second, all hell breaks loose. The first part reminded me of the motives of James Caan’s character in Thief. I was really shocked by the vibrant retro coloring of every scene and Canaletto like detail devoted to such quotidian elements as the corner store. The dialogue is sparse & the main character seems to simultaneously be a flat, blank screen to project what we want him to be & a terrifying blank that hides a Michael Myers like talent for carnage albeit with seemingly good motives. I wouldn’t mind watching this one again. Beautiful & brutal. I kind of can’t believe that people started crushing on Ryan Gosling after watching this one. I would start running the other way. I love Carey Mulligan, but can we stop giving her the role of innocent wide-eyed woman untouched by the corruption around her. Can we have her a little sullied because this is getting absurd.

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