Poster of Dream House

Dream House

Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Director: Jim Sheridan

Release Date: September 30, 2011

Where to Watch

Shutter Island meets The Sixth Sense–I figured out the twists at the beginning of Dream House because I saw the preview and once Elias Koteas appears, the story writes itself. A mediocre concept with terrific actors & a believable love story. Unlike most stories where after all the intense moments, the main character is completely recovered & ready to move on, in this story, he is essentially still processing. Did I mention that Daniel Craig is in it!!!! So there is pretty aplenty-his hair indicates his mood. And if you were costarring with a half naked Daniel Craig, you may marry him too–good going Rachel Weisz, who is stellar as always–good going Daniel! I wish them a long lifetime of happiness together! What I DID find satisfying was the answer to the question: figment or ghost? Answered conclusively in the denouement!

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