Poster of Dogtooth


Drama, Thriller

Director: Yorgos Lanthimos

Release Date: November 11, 2009

Where to Watch

On an intellectual level, I appreciate the Dogtooth’s commitment to two themes. First, there is no such thing as protecting people from bad influences–controlling someone’s environment will only create deviant behavior & ahem, the person in control always forgets that oneself can be a bad influence. Second, it doesn’t matter how much of a warped world someone is in, some people will always find a way to rebel & escape despite overwhelming odds. On an emotional level, seriously, I don’t need to watch 94 minutes of animal, child, sexual, physical & psychological abuse to arrive at that conclusion. Skip it! A cat gets brutally killed & there is plenty of cat slander. J’accuse!!! Also, besides animal abuse, I consistently can’t deal with incest in films or tv even if portrayed negatively. Almost had to drop Game of Thrones!

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