Poster of Disconnect


Crime, Drama, Mystery

Director: Henry Alex Rubin

Release Date: July 5, 2013

Where to Watch

Disconnect aims to cash in on the conceit behind Traffic, Crash and Syriana, but should have further developed its strong emotional backbone. There are three interconnected stories. The strongest story focuses on Jason Bateman, who more than excels in this dramatic performance. Coming in second is Max Thieriot as a young cam sex worker. Thieriot has found his gift-playing wounded young men who try to act like they enjoy their seedy version of success in Disconnect and as the older brother in Bates Motel. The third story feels like a watered down, unofficial sequel to Generation Kill. I had some hope that there would be some great Swedish act-off between Michael Nyqvist and Alexander Skarsgård, but ultimately it is anti-climactic. I really wish that the denouement wasn’t so American in the way that it got to its emotional resolution because there were some excellent nuanced moments. Disconnect isn’t a must see, but it was a strong effort.

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