Poster of Deadpool


Action, Comedy

Director: Tim Miller

Release Date: February 12, 2016

Where to Watch

Deadpool is the Bad Santa of the Marvel universe. Deadpool is not appropriate for audiences sensitive to raunchy humor and violent action sequences. Deadpan takes the conventional comic book hero narrative then twists it on its head by breaking the fourth wall and the superhero’s code of conduct.
Deadpool is a triumph for several reasons. First, Deadpool repeatedly apologizes and ridicules the first appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. We accept your apology, and all is forgiven. Ben Affleck needs to have coffee with Ryan Reynolds and the people who made Deadpool. Second, Deadpool repeatedly ridicules the now irreconcilable timeline and iterations of X-Men movies. We may enjoy watching them, but as a whole, they are a mess. Third, Deadpool does its best to link arms with the Marvel universe in the denouement. Fourth, it is so funny that I would recommend seeing it in theaters AND at home on DVD with subtitles on because while you’re laughing at one joke, you’re missing several others. Fifth, we have all been rooting for Ryan Reynolds, but he hasn’t really been in any good movies unless you’re a big fan of Van Wilder. Deadpan even references Green Lantern. We’re happy that he finally got a hit that suits his talents. Sixth, Deadpool regularly ridicules how Fox’s financing and mismanagement of X-Men movies. Seventh, even though I was not familiar with Deadpool from the comics, I enjoyed and understood the movie. Eighth, Gina Carino and Morrena Baccerin are in it! Ninth, Deadpool’s cab driver and roommate are brief, but brilliant characters. Tenth, Stan Lee’s cameo is unexpected. Eleventh, post credits scenes brought me too much joy. Twelfth, I’m glad that Deadpool addressed complications of regeneration.
Skip The Revenant and see Deadpool! Side note: I kept thinking that the villain was played by Nicholas Hoult.

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