Poster of Contagion


Drama, Thriller

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Release Date: September 9, 2011

Where to Watch

Soderbergh redeems himself in my eyes because he combines my two favorite cinema story lines in Contagion: unstoppable infectious disease & the collapse of civilization. Every millisecond is unrealistically devoted to & focused on the impending doom. No time for snacks or leisure. Every eye is watching news coverage. Every scientist devotes every second to curing it. If only such focus could be devoted in real life to critical problems (see attacking Iraq instead of focusing on the country that actually attacked us on 9/11)! Contagion is a solidly entertaining movie. Nothing too deep & I challenge anyone to remember a character’s name because there are so many movie stars. Only negative: do we have to make Jude Law ugly to visually symbolize that he is a different kind of infection? I say no.

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