Don’t see The Colony! It suffers from Looper problem: it thinks that the more sci-fi conventions that you pile on, the better the movie will be, but instead it has the opposite effect. The following sci fi tropes appear in The Colony: frozen world apocalypse (you are no Snowpiercer, The Colony), leadership struggle between obvious reasonable leader and one power hungry dictator wannabe, cannibals, ignoring a warning to the peril of the group, a distant hope. I need all movies with cannibals to do me a favor. Just because a human becomes a cannibal does not mean that they now have zombie attributes like impossible to kill, immune to elements, unreasonable, and if it is Dawn of the Dead, better adept physically than when they were normal human beings. Please watch The Walking Dead before making any more movies. Thank you. If I became a cannibal and successfully destroyed a colony, I wouldn’t just leap to destroy another colony without first curing the meat and storing it properly, otherwise all my crazy cannibal survival attacks are for nothing. I also would like movies to stop having the lone man survivor who can’t properly articulate the threat that he survived in order to properly warn the next group of suckers. If what you survived is unspeakable because there aren’t words for it (“suddenly colors appeared and then reality became Chthulu”) that even after you hear it, if it sounds crazy, that is fine, but if you’re attacked by a bunch of people who killed and ate your friends, just say that. You can say it emotionally, but not saying anything tangible just to build up tension for the reveal of *gasp* cannibals annoys me. I almost stopped watching the film, and I probably should have at that point. What a waste of Julian Richings. The Colony also suffers from the ABC series problem: the most uninteresting character being the star. The star isn’t Bill Paxton or Laurence Fishburne. The star is Kevin Zegers. I’m sure that he is a nice guy and a good actor, but nobody except his family and friends are seeing The Colony because Kevin Zegers is in it, and he just isn’t inherently interesting enough at this point in his career to carry an entire movie as a bland character. I know that The Colony was trying to show the baton being passed down from the reasonable leader to the next generation, but the next generation leader had no interesting characteristics except that he had a strong girlfriend who turns her back on clear threats. I’m also going to need Bill Paxton, whom I am unreasonably angry with for being in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, to stop playing the same character.

The Colony
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