Poster of The Bride

The Bride

Fantasy, Horror, Romance

Director: Franc Roddam

Release Date: August 16, 1985

Where to Watch

If Sting wasn’t cast as Dr. Frankenstein, The Bride would have been a great movie. It continues where Bride of Frankenstein left off. The Bride has excellent parallelism showing each creation growing up in a cruel world–affluent or not, that only sees them in relation to what the creation can do for them & not who they really are as people. Thankfully for Viktor, i.e. the monster, he had a friend. V. excellent acting by Clancy Brown. One amazing scene where a traveling salesman almost rips off Viktor then grows a conscience when he sees Viktor’s sheer joy at finding a necklace & returns the $. Then devastation as Viktor has a growing awareness that cut glass is definitely not the same as jewels. Not a horror movie. Other than a few body parts in the first 5 minutes, a very lush movie. The poster is seriously misleading.

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