Poster of Blue Ruin

Blue Ruin

Crime, Drama, Thriller

Director: Jeremy Saulnier

Release Date: July 9, 2014

Where to Watch

Blue Ruin is an understated, subtle and riveting movie with the force of a Biblical, Shakespearian or Greek tragedy set within the intimate confines of American daily, normal life. Blue Ruin starts with scenes of a homeless guy living life-how he gets food, cleans up and rests, but he is spurred into action when a cop delivers some news to him. Blue Ruin then unfolds and slowly reveals this man’s secrets to the audience. The origin of this story took place less than two decades ago, but its consequences still affect generations unborn at that time. If you decide to watch Blue Ruin, I would recommend that you pay complete attention because some secrets are not revealed until the final scenes. I absolutely adored this deliberately paced, prosaic twist on the revenge genre and highly recommend it if you are not sensitive to violent situations.

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