Poster of The Blood of Heroes

The Blood of Heroes

Action, Sci-Fi, Sport

Director: David Webb Peoples

Release Date: February 23, 1990

Where to Watch

I was going to say that The Blood of Heroes is Rollerball meets Mad Max then I looked it up on Netflix, and that is the literal description in the Netflix summary so scratch that, rewind! Unfortunately my sports atheism has left me grasping for comparisons. Isn’t there a trope that features a kid with who wants to surpass family’s station, impresses a formerly great player, gets an opportunity to leave town and joins a scrappy team. The team challenges the clearly superior team; the mentor gets to stubbornly defy the elite; and the kid gets the attention of the elite. Please help me out and comment if you know which movies have that plot? Someone suggested Bull Durham, but I know that I’m thinking of another movie, possibly not even involving sports, and it is bugging me. What makes The Blood of Heroes unique? Joan Chen plays the kid! An Asian female takes center stage, and a man or a woman could have been Kidda. Also The Blood of Heroes has good bones, but I would use the analogy that The Blood of Heroes is more similar to Soldier than Blade Runner. Somehow the execution falls short because it is more similar to the action films of its time. The Blood of Heroes is too derivative to transcend time and space to become a classic and grand influence in the future. Warning: violence & nudity. Not a must see, but if the description appeals to you, watch it. I would watch Rutger Hauer in literally everything. Not his best, but far from his worse-trust me. A skosh above average.

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