Poster of As Above

As Above, So Below

Horror, Mystery, Thriller

Director: John Erick Dowdle

Release Date: August 29, 2014

Where to Watch

I enjoy the found footage genre and was not disappointed by As Above, So Below. Think a real life, obnoxious Lara Croft meets the haunted house horror genre meets Dante’s Inferno. Sure it is a bit of nonsense that you won’t think about long after it is over, and you may predict how events are going to unfold (the black guy does not die first), but I always grade found footage genre movies on a curve. As Above, So Below did a great job filming in a location that usually does not permit cameras. As Above, So Below has a strong and surprising beginning-think The Exorcist’s origin stories–they should have done more with that and the mythology. If you were forced to attribute a deeper meaning, it would be to reconcile with those you love and feel that you have wronged. I also liked that the obnoxious, immune to fear main character was a woman, and it was the guy who felt neglected and secondary to her work. A few plot points are left unexplained (think about what Benji noticed), which I was fine with. Some people think that the ending is ambiguous, which I didn’t. If you have a weakness for this genre and want to watch a movie in the dark for some fun, check out As Above, So Below.

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