Poster of Anatomy of a Murder

Anatomy of a Murder

Drama, Mystery

Director: Otto Preminger

Release Date: July 13, 1959

Where to Watch

Anatomy of a Murder was revolutionary for its day and is considered an enjoyable classic by all film loving lawyers except me. I know that it makes me a philistine, but I’m just not into jazz, and in the early parts of the film, the score dominates every scene. I can still understand the dialogue in Anatomy of a Murder unlike Christopher Nolan’s films (side eye), but I found it distracting. I didn‘t read the book, but Preminger definitely wanted to have his cake and eat it too. In Anatomy of a Murder, Preminger wanted to deride a system that victim blames female rape victims, but also treated her like a femme fatale. I really enjoyed a young George C. Scott as the city slicker prosecuting attorney. If you must see every Jimmy Stewart film, then see Anatomy of a Murder otherwise skip it and watch Law & Order: SVU.

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