Poster of All Is Lost

All Is Lost

Action, Adventure, Drama

Director: J.C. Chandor

Release Date: October 25, 2013

Where to Watch

All Is Lost is about a man alone in the middle of the Indian Ocean facing sudden danger when his ship’s hull is punctured by a shipping container. All is Lost is almost two hours long, only stars Robert Redford and other than a brief voiceover at the beginning and the occasional distress call, there is no dialogue. I loved All Is Lost!
All Is Lost is what The Revenant claims to be. All Is Lost shows the determination of the human spirit, the joy of hard work and ingenuity in the effort to survive, the insignificance of one man in comparison to nature and the random, unfeeling world of commerce. I didn’t need any backstory, sensational moments or exposition to care. All Is Lost kept me interested in the moment as it unfolded, the here and now. Despite its pessimistic beginning and unflinching and merciless challenges to the survival of the character, All Is Lost was anything but bleak.
Robert Redford can act. Without saying anything, he conveyed every emotion on his weathered face and managed to keep my interest. If Redford is in a movie, and it isn’t good, you can’t blame him. He’s still got it. (I’m talking to you, A Walk in the Woods.) Now I have to see Jeremiah Johnson.
Skip Life of Pi and The Revenant. See All Is Lost and give it your complete attention!

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