Poster of The Adventures of Tin Tin

The Adventures of Tin Tin


Director: N/A

Release Date: March 14, 2025

Where to Watch

I am NOT this movie’s demographic. I enjoyed Tin Tin in French class, but obviously not enough to be engaged in this film & the opening credits basically tipoff the audience what to expect from The Adventures of Tin Tin: undeveloped characters chasing their tails and running in circles like gerbils for the sake of empty adventure & spectacle. My main problem: there are so many children’s films driven by deeper motivation and deal with epic themes of good versus evil that this film feels empty & shallow in comparison. The only thing epic in this film is the contrived way that the film gets Tin Tin on the treasure hunt. He looks into a mirror & sees something interesting–not the woman standing next to the model ship, but the model ship. Like the X-Files, if everyone just spoke another language, in this case dog, there would be no mystery. Snowy should dump Tin Tin. What I learned from Tin Tin: alcoholism is hilarious & if necessary, it is easy to get & stay sober.

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