A Model for Matisse: The Story Henri Matisse, Sister Jacques-Marie and the Vence Chapel


Where to Watch

A Model for Matisse: The Story Henri Matisse, Sister Jacques-Marie and the Vence Chapel is a must see documentary for all Francophiles or Matisse fans. A Model for Matisse: The Story Henri Matisse, Sister Jacques-Marie and the Vence Chapel is a first person account of Matisse’s later years and the creation of the Vence Chapel as told by a nun, who was Matisse’s nurse, model and devoted friend. A Model for Matisse: The Story Henri Matisse, Sister Jacques-Marie and the Vence Chapel is only 67 minutes long. As bonus, you get to discover that office politics still exist if you’re a nun. If A Model for Matisse: The Story Henri Matisse, Sister Jacques-Marie and the Vence Chapel has any flaws, it is the decision to use English narration and a French accented English speaking actor instead of the entire documentary being in French or only the narration being in English, but everything originally spoken in French should have had subtitles.

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