Poster of 8: The Mormon Proposition

8: The Mormon Proposition


Director: Reed Cowan, Steven Greenstreet

Release Date: January 24, 2010

Where to Watch

Warning: not a review of 8: The Mormon Proposition, just a collection of impressions. If you kick your kid, i.e. anyone under 18, out of the house–I don’t care WHAT the reason is, you are a child abuser & should be prosecuted under the law. Loved that 8: The Mormon Proposition used a gay descendant of Frederick Williams, a Mormon persecuted for polygamy, as an example of someone affected by this campaign. (He looks exactly like his ancestor.) My takeaway that was NOT the central point of the documentary: Mormons still believe in polygamy in the afterlife according to an authorized, female, Mormon spokesperson, Gayle Ruzicka (go to 1hr 7 mins)! Funny how they keep quoting the Bible when they say that marriage is supposed to be between a man & a woman, but can’t do math or read. Gen 2:24 “a man” and “his wife.” Not a, i.e. one, man & his wives. Glass houses & stones. Patriarchs’ multiple marriages were not approved by God, but the law protected people’s rights by regulating it because He knew it was going to happen. Sound familiar? Anyone?

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