This Is Where I Leave You

Fiction / General

Author: Jonathan Tropper

Publish Date: 15/02/2024

I decided to read This Is Where I Leave You after I saw the movie, which I enjoyed. Unsurprisingly I enjoyed the book more. This Is Where I Leave You has a great acerbic voice and situation that few experience or sound like in real life, but is still an enjoyable and quick read. Unlike the movie, the book is messier and a little less optimistic though it tries to end on an upbeat note. This Is Where I Leave You struggles with the idea of how time shifts identities and the meaning of situations. This Is Where I Leave You basically sees time as a merciless deterioration of relationships, bodies and love, but if the awkwardness can be overcome, something could be beautifully achieved or at least some healing can occur. This Is Where I Leave You is hopeful and merciless, but ultimately mournful for being prisoner to the dynamics of relationships and self.

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