The Eyes of the Dragon is about a kingdom constantly threatened by the presence of a wicked figure, and the kingdom’s only hope is in peril unless every one can become their best selves and resist their baser impulses. The Eyes of the Dragon feels like a prequel to The Stand and The Dark Tower series because the villain appears in each book. Stephen King’s The Eyes of the Dragon is part fantasy, part fairy tale and entirely engrossing.
I have never heard of Stephen King’s The Eyes of the Dragon, which is saying something. The Eyes of the Dragon only has one flaw: we never find out who is or what happened to the kingdom’s only hope’s early love. Unfortunately The Eyes of the Dragon alludes to a possible sequel, but King never wrote one. After his accident, his writing style changed and he has been meditating on loss and death with proxy figures for himself so King probably should not attempt to write one now.

The Eyes of the Dragon
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