After seeing Foxcatcher, the movie, I immediately requested Foxcatcher: The True Story of My Brother’s Murder, John du Pont’s Madness, and the Quest for Olympic Gold from my local library. Mark Schultz, who was depicted by Channing Tatum in the movie, wrote it. While it is interesting to compare and contrast the real life figures from the real Mark Schultz’s perspective, and there are numerous differences (the real life DuPont was more repulsive, Mark was initially a partier/thug then more of a stick in the mud, Dave was still a good guy, but Mark may have watched out for Dave more financially than vice versa), there is a lot more about wrestling than I ever wanted to know. I knew that a book written by an Olympic champion wrestler would have wrestling in it, but there is a lot of wrestling. Maybe even other Olympic wrestlers would look at Mark Schultz and think, “Gee, you need to chill.” Mark became a Mormon in part because a founder was a wrestler. Sometimes I enjoy reading about things that I am completely not interested in, and sometimes I think that a book is not for me. Foxcatcher: The True Story of My Brother’s Murder, John du Pont’s Madness, and the Quest for Olympic Gold was not for me.

Foxcatcher: The True Story of My Brother’s Murder, John du Pont’s Madness, and the Quest for Olympic Gold
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