I live a fairly Mary-Louise Parker free life. I vaguely remember her from Fried Green Tomatoes, Grand Canyon, Angels in America and The Blacklist, but that is it. I have nothing bad to say about her. She is a solid actress. So Dear Mr. You is not for me, but I’m always game to hear someone’s life story.
Dear Mr. You isn’t a traditional autobiography or memoir, but is a series of letters written to real and imagined, named and anonymous men in her life. Dear Mr. You requires that the reader come to the book with at least basic knowledge of Mary-Louise Parker’s biography, which I don’t, to truly understand it. Also I was old when I was young so I did not enjoy her stories until she decided to finally kick a scrub to the curb and act like an adult. Finally getting her crap together! I lost my ability to understand poetry once I entered law school so while most people praised her literary accomplishment, Dear Mr. You just left me cold. I did enjoy it more as she grew more mature, but I should have skipped it.

Dear Mr. You
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