For me, Eartha Kitt equals Catwoman and Santa Baby. I love her. Then I decided to read Eartha Kitt’s autobiography, Confessions of a Sex Kitten. Confessions of a Sex Kitten is well-written and one of the most riveting books that I’ve ever read. Confessions of a Sex Kitten details her brutal childhood, her adventurous, but precarious maturation then her successful but perilous adulthood. Confessions of a Sex Kitten does not appear to have a ghost writer.
Honestly it is amazing that Kitt is even alive considering all that she faced, but the fact that such a talented and beautiful woman (dancer, singer, actor, linguist, writer, entrepreneur) was not more revered is a crime. If today’s famous people tried to compete with her, they would pass out from exhaustion and live in obscurity.
Confessions of a Sex Kitten provides enough dishy gossip to satisfy those not interested in Kitt or history. I did not know that her friendship soulmate was James Dean. While Kitt may have triumphed despite adversity, she elegantly casts shade and keeps account of all those that wronged her, including the revered Harry Belafonte (clutches pearls).
If you have a pulse, you should read Confessions of a Sex Kitten. I am going to buy this book and her others! All hail, Queen Kitt!

Confessions of a Sex Kitten
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