James Turrell Retrospective

On Sunday, I started my first of three (God willing) visits to museums which feature the James Turrell retrospective! The price of a ticket to the Guggenheim is inexpensive compared to the priceless, unique, site dependent exhibit in the rotunda. First, you should find a seat on the bench to the left side so you can comfortably lean back without hurting your neck and be prepared to spend a long time there. If you have to wait for someone to move, do so or wear appropriate clothes so you can lie on the floor. Second, relax & enjoy it–don’t rush it or try to analyze immediately. Third, when you’re done, go enjoy the rest of Turrell & other artists exhibits, but I would recommend before leaving, go back to the rotunda & view the major rotunda exhibit again. What I absolutely adore about Turrell is that his work recreates the viewing experience that human beings feel in nature and the longer that you look at his work, it evokes memories of different experiences and depending on the movement of those around you, a feeling of movement of the piece &/or yourself. The work is entirely dependent on the viewer yet artificially created. If painting is the effort of art to represent a three dimensional world in a 2 dimensional space, Turrell’s work is representing the spiritual, interior (biological) AND three dimensional world using nothing but the viewer, light and space. Yes, you are a part of the art. Next stop (please pray that I make it with no sudden Murphy law surprises), Houston!

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