Poster of Harmony and Me

Harmony and Me


Director: Bob Byington

Release Date: January 15, 2010

Where to Watch

Harmony and Me is extremely uneven. When it is good, it is great & when it is bad, you will question the validity of mumble core as a genre & first half of 75 minute movie may feel like the longest moments in your life! Weakness: the lead & his ex are the weakest links, the theme of love, recovery & music fall flat & just seem like much ado about nothing with emphasis on nothing, and the work scenarios fall flat. Strongest part: occasional moments of verbal & visual brilliance & wit that elicit hearty laughs, Kevin Corrigan, Bob Byington as actor NOT director, the next door neighbor, Nick Offerman from Parks & Recreations & the main character’s mom. Overall it is worth of a glance from hard core fans of the actors that I listed, but not a must see.

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