cover of Harlan: In the Shadow of Jew Süss

Harlan: In the Shadow of Jew Süss

Where to Watch

If art can save the world according to our love of movies like Argo & Inglorious Bastards, then can art also destroy the world? And if the answer is yes, should the person who created it be punished? This documentary tackles those questions and struggles with a director’s motivations: was he a true believer in Nazism or was he manipulated/forced? What isn’t questionable: he enjoyed his work and his success before the Nazi empire fell. Harlan: In the Shadow of Jew Süss features interviews of every living person related to Veit Harlan and how they deal with this legacy. Apparently Stanley Kubrick’s last wife was a descendant! Thomas Harlan is one of the descendants who deals with everything unflinchingly & puts everything in perspective when he dismisses his father’s vindication by a court of law when the same judge convicted a person for a petty crime of survival unrelated to Nazism. A must see.

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