Poster of Comanche Moon

Comanche Moon

Drama, Western

Director: N/A

Release Date: January 13, 2008

Where to Watch

Since Robert Duvall, no one has portrayed Gus McCrae as perfectly as Steve Zahn! One of the few Lonesome Dove movies that sympathetically and unflinchingly portrayed the Native American side of the story & not just as randomly evil people, but some as bent on survival & others as motivated by hate & revenge. I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Wes Studi because of his innate dignity so it was great to see him as Buffalo Hump. Adam Beach is in it, but doesn’t quite work as Blue Duck–he portrays evil by bearing his teeth & squinting so not convincing. Still nice to see the two paired after their stint in PBS’ Mystery adaptation of Tony Hillerman’s Navajo police novels. Val Kilmer does an amazing job as an eccentric ranger. I preferred Linda Cardellini over Dead Man Walk’s Jennifer Garner as a young Clara–more steel & sweet than sugar & girly coy seems like the right way to approach the character. I understand why people didn’t like this story as much–it is the middle child that bridges the excitement of Dead Man’s Walk with the pivotal Lonesome Dove, but I enjoyed Comanche Moon!

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