cover of Bad Feminist: Essays

Bad Feminist: Essays

Social Science

Author: Roxane Gay

Publish Date: 05/08/2014

After reading and enjoying Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body, I immediately requested Roxane Gay’s Bad Feminist: Essays. Even though her voice is just an engaging and intelligent, my attention was proportionate to the subject matter of the essays. Because the early essays were about Scrabble, sports and books that I had not read, I lost all momentum and drive to finish the book. The book has been in my house or bag since August 3, 2017! It is October 21, 2017. I stopped often to read other books. When I was interested in the essay’s subject, it felt slightly dated because the essays were originally published individually in response to a controversy that was germane at the time, but has since been erased from its former level of importance. There are a handful of essays that signal that she would delve into and examine her personal struggles with sexual violence, weight. My favorite essays were the ones that were about TV, movies, feminism or books that I have read. We hate the same movies! Twins!
I think that it makes more sense to read Bad Feminist: Essays first then Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body since doing the reverse feels like knowing the entire story then hearing your friend repeat it to someone, but she is in a rush because she has a destination and is already late. I have no interest in her fiction since I enjoy her voice and may not enjoy that voice being muffled to credibly establish a fictional character in a tableau that will overall be her voice, but not her. I guess that I will have to patiently wait for her next book or start following her on Twitter.

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